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Owning Your Own Studio


1. What is a normal day like tracking artists at Skie Studios? "A band typically will load in about 30 minutes before their schedule time. The room is set up where I can accommodate a lot of different types of sessions due to open space with movable gobos and things that can give me isolation when I need them. So we'll start tracking drums, guitars, bass, basic tracks and then will jump into overdubs and doubling up rhythms, guitars in get into solos. A lot of playing the same song over and over again until I feel we get it as tight as we can." 2. What are some key pieces of equipment you cannot go without? "A nice front end. I am a huge fan of the UA Apollo stuff. Amazing preamps right out of the gate. I use the modelled UA Model 610 as well as hardware Audient ASPs 880's, and we've got some black lion as well. Great preamps and great microphones are always a good start. A nice head phone system such as avoid or hear backs are also a must have." 3. Who are some established artists you've had the pleasure of working with? "Enjoyed tracking with Brian dexter Holland from the Offspring. I've also been working with Nick Hernandez from common sense. In the past it would be Chris Thompson from Manfred Mann's band. The guys from Sugar Ray were fun to work with as well." 4. How did Skie music come to fruition? "Skie music group was originally called slightly elevated entertainment, an artist development and management company I formed while parting ways with my former company, Sound Matrix Studios. After doing that for a year and a half, I had a lot of former recording clients reaching out to me, so I started looking for a new recording studio home. In 2014, I met a building owner and the studio officially launched in January 2015. It's really just a continuation of what I have been doing for the last 25+ years." 5. What are a few of the perks to owning your own studio? "Scheduling freedom as well as a customised place to be creative and explore new ideas, music etcetera. Having your own man cave is how I really set up Skie Studios. It should be a room that's comfortable, but you happen to get creative while you are in their. Additional income as well. You are also given the ability to succeed beyond the normal 9-to-5 job. You may have income, but if write a hit, it can be very rewarding. Creating your own legacy, musically." 6. What are a few of the downsides? "Downsides? You have to wear many hats." 7. Where does family time fall in, and how supportive or are they of your decision? "I always make time for family. It's a balancing act so to speak and my family and friends understand the dynamics of this business." 8. If Skie music to go back in time would there be any changes to your platform? "If I could go back in time? I don't know. I like the way things have happened in my life. I would like to say that I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't do anything different because I think I'm in a better situation because of what I had to go through."

Live From Your Mother - Mello
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